University of Auckland Welcomes Funding Support for Major Youth Wellbeing Study

Further funding in this year’s Budget for Aotearoa's largest contemporary longitudinal study of child health and wellbeing has been welcomed by the University of Auckland team leading the decades-long project.
Research Director Associate Professor Sarah-Jane Paine said the additional $30m of funding for Growing Up in New Zealand provides a level of certainty and continuity that is vital for the study spanning so many years.
“Growing Up in New Zealand is a University of Auckland study that has been following the lives of more than 6000 children since 2009 and 2010 - before they were even born - to create evidence that will help ensure that children and young people are able to live full and flourishing lives.
“The funding comes at a critical stage as the cohort moves into adolescence, having experienced many historic events. It will enable the study to capture how experiences such as COVID-19 and the recent extreme weather events influence a range of important health, education and other social outcomes for young people into the future.
“The investment in maintaining respectful relationships with the children, their families and whānau over so many years, the care taken in conducting our interview-based research, and the detailed analysis we undertake requires consistent funding as well as the commitment of time.
“The funding will also enable the team to better connect with and support the young people involved in the study and ensure that the contribution they are making to the future of Aotearoa is highlighted.
“The study is providing a wealth of readily available and accessible information which is feeding into policy development and service delivery to benefit all New Zealanders. What we are doing is also being closely watched by international researchers because of its diversity, length, breadth and rigour.
“We are grateful for the Government’s recognition of the value of Growing Up in New Zealand, and the need for it to continue,” said Associate Professor Paine.
Growing Up in New Zealand is a University of Auckland study managed by Auckland UniServices. It is funded through an agreement with the Ministry of Social Development.
For more information please contact
Saraid Black
Communications Manager, Growing Up in New Zealand
0274 732 211
Julia Crosfield
Media and Communications, Growing Up in New Zealand
027 282 489