Over 15 years of research insights from Growing up in New Zealand

Growing Up in New Zealand regularly releases research reports that detail the latest findings from the study and what we have found out about the development, health and wellbeing of the children and their families in the study. Starting from before the children were born these reports provide a wealth of insights into the lives, experiences and perspectives of young people growing up in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Check our latest reports below

Now We Are Twelve Snapshot 10 - Structural disadvantage and rangatahi Māori mental wellbeing

This paper provides the first contemporary information about trajectories of structural disadvantage for rangatahi Māori, using data collected from before the Growing Up in New Zealand cohort were born through to 12-years of age.


Stepping into adolescence: Emerging autonomy and independence – Now We Are Twelve

Extended fact sheet | August 2023
At the twelve-year old data collection wave, Growing Up in New Zealand measured three constructs that relate to young people’s autonomy. Learn more at these and find some research ideas in this fact sheet.

Families and Whānau – Now We Are Twelve

Extended fact sheet | August 2023
This fact sheet presents a snapshot of the parents, families, whānau and household composition of young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand, at twelve years of age. It also describes the constructs measured which relate to young people’s families and whanau.

Young people.

Young people’s experiences of puberty at aged 12 - Now We Are Twelve 

29 August 2023

We investigated the cohort's pubertal development at aged12 to determine whether this differed by sex assigned at birth or self-reported ethnicity. We also explored how young people felt about the changes happening to their bodies, highlighting the diverse experiences of young people. This report also describes the average age of first menstruation and use of free period products in schools. 

Teacher survey report - Now We Are Twelve

24 August 2023

Teachers of the Growing Up cohort were invited to take part in a questionnaire about learning environments, digital and distance learning, perceptions of bullying and academic performance. The findings relate to when the cohort were predominantly in year 7 at school.

Now We Are Twelve Snapshot 9 - Relationships with parents, peers and special adults.

In the 12-year data collection wave, young people reported their experiences of their relationships with their parents, peers and non-parental special adults.


Now We Are Twelve Snapshot 8 - The impact of disability on young people and their family.

The New Zealand (NZ) Government’s vision is for NZ to be a non-disabling society “where disabled people have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and aspirations”.


Now We Are Twelve Snapshot 7 - Young people's experiences of depression and anxiety symptoms

Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing and affects our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and physical health. Depression and anxiety are two of the most prevalent mental health conditions worldwide.