Other Projects
Growing Up in New Zealand has funding from a number of other organisations to pursue research projects in addition to the primary longitudinal study.
Currently, Growing Up in New Zealand is working with:
- MBIE - Extreme Weather Survey
Find out more about this project here.
- MBIE - Our generation, our voices, all our futures
The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have funded a $5 million programme to explore innovative ways to gather information from children in order to learn more about their wellbeing.
The programme called Our generation, our voices, all our futures will draw on the expertise of the Growing Up children themselves to help co-design new digital ways of collecting information which will then be analysed using machine learning.
Find out more about this project here.
BRANZ is an independent research organisation which looks at ways to improve New Zealand's housing and buildings.
BRANZ has funded the Keeping our children warm and dry programme in which Growing Up in New Zealand children participated as "in-home scientists" to record information about temperature and humidity in their homes and schools.
The children's data collection was analysed to understand more about how warm and dry Kiwi homes really are.