New app trial underway with Growing Up's Leading Lights

Young people from Growing Up in New Zealand’s Te Rōpū Pīata/Leading Lights are showing the way again in this country’s largest longitudinal study of child development.
Over the next few months, they are trialing a ground-breaking new app which aims to use innovative techniques to help researchers understand more about the health and wellbeing of young people.
The trial of the app is part of an MBIE-funded Our Voices project which is exploring new ways of collecting and analysing information from rangatahi. The app was developed last year

through a collaborative co-design process between a group of study participants and technology experts.
Called Tō Mātou Rerenga – Our Journey, the interactive app lets rangatahi share their experiences about growing up with researchers from the University of Auckland study.
The app is available in both English and Te Reo Māori and takes users on a waka journey of discovery: navigating between islands, meeting characters, sharing knowledge and unlocking fun mini games.
Over the next three months, rangatahi in the study will be exploring six different islands with unique themes and landscapes, interacting with characters, all the while sharing their thoughts and opinions on a range of topics.
Participants respond to a series of open-ended questions which are designed to enable young people to express themselves through a range of media such as emojis, text, photos, videos and voice recordings.
Themes explored in the island adventures include identity, hobbies and activities, school and education, whānau, friendships, and hopes and goals.
Themes explored in the island adventures include identity, hobbies and activities, school and education, whānau, friendships, and hopes and goals.
If you are part of the Leading Light / Te Rōpū Pīata group and would like to be involved in the trial it’s not too late! Contact us now at or 0800 687 864 to register.