Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

Breastfeeding indicators and misclassification of exclusive breastfeeding duration within a contemporary NZ cohort

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Growing Up in New Zealand
Lead Researcher:
Teresa Gontijo de Castro
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Health and Wellbeing
Secondary Classification:

Breastfeeding provides benefits for children, women, and the society. Currently NZ does not have available data on breastfeeding indicators that are generalizable to the national birth cohort. Additionally, studies have reported high levels of bias for exclusive breastfeeding duration estimated solely through retrospective maternal report, suggesting the need of accrual methods in order to minimize missclassification for the indicator.

This project objectives to describe breastfeeding indicators and its maternal associated factors, as well to describe misclassification of exclusive breastfeeding duration in a contemporary representative sample of NZ children.