Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

Defining school readiness in Growing up in NZ: how ready are NZ children, NZ parents and NZ schools?

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Growing Up in New Zealand
Lead Researcher:
Elaine Reese
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Secondary Classification:
Family and Whanau

This study will use Growing Up in NZ data to create a school readiness measure for the Growing Up in NZ study that can be used both as an outcome from the preschool years (0-5) and a predictor of future outcomes for the child....

Specifically, this research will create a school readiness variable that in keeping the Unicef School Readiness conceptual framework (Britto, 2012) includes both a ready child and a ready families component and ready schools component. Once defined, we will then describe the school readiness of the demographically diverse Growing Up in NZ cohort.