Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

Factors associated with children’s connectedness to family/whānau, and their wellbeing, in relation to reasons for residential mobility

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
University of Otago
Lead Researcher:
Helena McAnally, Judith Sligo, Robin Quigg, Megan Gollop, Megan Somerville-Ryan, Emma Fergusson
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Health and Wellbeing
Secondary Classification:

The proposed research will take a lifecourse approach to examine how children’s lives are affected by residential mobility. Data from the GUiNZ cohort will be used to assess the number of residence changes experienced by children up to age 8, the reasons for residential changes and the impact of different reasons for residential mobility. We also intend to evaluate whether reasons for residential mobility affect the connections of tamariki and their family/whānau to their neighbourhood and community, by identifying whether tamariki are enrolled with a GP, have received their before school checks and, are happy and settled at their school (using child reports from the age eight data collection wave). Data analyses will use general linear models and both linear and logistic regression to analyse the data using measures present in the GUiNZ datasets. Kāinga Ora has recognised gaps in knowledge about residential mobility and particularly around reasons for residential changes and the impacts of these, which the proposed research aims to address. The research will also highlight some of the issues faced by tamariki and their families/whānau when changing residence. This will aid a wide range of professionals in education and health sectors as well as aid Kāinga Ora in more effectively supporting their clients through residential moves. The proposed research plans to assess how residential mobility may have long ranging consequences (positive and negative) across multiple facets of wellbeing for tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand.