Research Projects Using Growing Up Data
Family pathways: Evidence from Growing Up in New Zealand
The Growing up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) study presents an opportunity to understand IR relevant outcomes for families over time.
The longitudinal information available for 6853 children and their families from before birth enables taking an individual family and tracking their pathway through time with respect to their engagement in work, benefit receipt and income changes. Utilising the GUiNZ cohort will chart these pathways for families with preschool children over their initial 5-6 years of life in the first instance. This tracking of family status will provide an understanding about the prevalence of the pathways and flux between states of work and income, leave from work (including paid parental leave), benefit receipt, household expenditure (and tenure) and some debt for example for contemporary NZ families with pre-school children The pathway models will provide opportunities to engage with families fitting particular pathways of interest to understand what that journey means for them and for their interaction with Inland Revenue services.