Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

Variants in the IFIH1 associated with early life respiratory infections

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Lead Researcher:
Martin Kennedy
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Health and Wellbeing
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Genetic factors that may influence risk of severe respiratory infections in babies. Around 1-2% of infants are hospitalised with severe viral respiratory infections, and of those, 10% require treatment in a paediatric intensive care unit. Recent work suggests that mutations in the IFIH1 gene may contribute towards increased susceptibility to viral infections...

In this study, we will test for mutations in the IFIH1 genes of GUiNZ children who were hospitalised with severe respiratory infections. This research will help us to understand whether testing for mutations of IFIH1 is useful for predicting the risk of severe early life respiratory infections or for guiding clinical management of affected children, within the New Zealand setting.