Research Projects Using Growing Up Data
Vitamin D status at birth and its association with subsequent respiratory and atopic disease
Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Growing Up in New Zealand
Lead Researcher:
Cameron Grant
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Health and Wellbeing
Secondary Classification:
There is growing interest in the non-classical role of vitamin D; particularly role of vitamin D on the immune system and respiratory tract infections. Dried blood samples are collected through heel prick onto absorbent cards as soon after 48 hours of birth as possible as part of the national newborn screening programme.
The dried blood spot samples of the Growing Up in NZ children will be obtained and tested for vitamin D (25OHD) to determine whether vitamin D status at birth is associated with the subsequent risk of acute respiratory infections up to age 5 years and with the development of doctor diagnosed asthma, food allergy and eczema.