Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

What are the hopes, dreams and expectations of parents of a 4 ½ year old, and how similar are these beliefs to their Antenatal Hopes Dreams and Expectations?

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Growing Up in New Zealand
Lead Researcher:
Liz Peterson
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Family and Whanau
Secondary Classification:
Psych and Cog

This project will use mixed methods to explore the hopes of dreams parents hold for their 4 1/2 year olds. Parents’ reported hopes and dreams will be coded using an adapted version of Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs, and quantitative analysis will then be used to identify important predictors of these hopes and dream categories...

As parents were asked the same hopes and dreams questions at their antenatal interview, we will also explore: how similar theses hopes and dreams are over time; if any factors consistently predict parents’ hopes and dreams over time; and whether any antenatal hopes and dreams have already become a reality.​