Research Projects Using Growing Up Data

What promotes and hinders school readiness and the school readiness gap in NZ children: consideration of child, family, environmental, demographic and early childhood education factors

Publication Date:
Lead Organisation:
Growing Up in New Zealand
Lead Researcher:
Elaine Reese
Access Type:
Primary Classification:
Secondary Classification:
Family and Whanau

This research will describe the factors that both promote and hinder school readiness and contribute to the school readiness gap in NZ. We will consider a number of individual and contextual factors including:

  • child factors (temperament, number of languages spoken, early behavioural problems, socio-emotional development, self-concept),
  • parent factors (parent-child interactions, beliefs, expectations, mental health, work and relationship status),
  • early childhood education (attendance, type, timing, duration, intensity) and
  • environment (media exposure, home and family learning environment), and socio-demographic variables (ethnicity, socio-economic status).